Machine learning in neuroimaging


Prof. Dr. Christian Wachinger, Tom Nuno Wolf, Fabian Bongratz, Bailiang Jian, Morteza Ghahremani


If you have any questions regarding this seminar contact



Registration to the seminar is done via the TUM Matching Platform. Pay attention to the deadlines!!


  • July 3, 2023, 1pm: pre-course meeting
  • October 4, 2023, 23:59: Deadline for deregistration
  • October 23, 2023, 2pm: Kickoff (online, attendance mandatory), assignment of papers
  • During the semester: meet your supervisor (optional but recommended)
  • January 11, 13-17 & January 12, 9-14, Seminarraum Holbeinstrasse 11: Block seminar (attendance is mandatory)


Paper IDTitlePublished inLinkGroup/SupervisorStudentAdditional Material


UNesT: Local Spatial Representation Learning with Hierarchical Transformer for Efficient Medical SegmentationMedical Image Analysis BongratzMehmet Celimli
2Unsupervised brain imaging 3D anomaly detection and segmentation with transformersMedical Image Analysis BongratzMelisa Ankut


Self-Supervised Pre-Training of Swin Transformers for 3D Medical Image Analysis

CVPR BongratzPetru-Georgian Sicoe
4One Model to Synthesize Them All: Multi-contrast Multi-scale Transformer for Missing Data ImputationIEEE TMI WachingerThomas Sedlmeyr
5PTNet3D: A 3D High-Resolution Longitudinal Infant Brain MRI Synthesizer Based on TransformersIEEE TMI WachingerAzza Jenane
6Towards Generalist Biomedical AI WachingerHui ChengRelated to Palm-E
7TransMorph: Transformer for unsupervised medical image registrationMedical Image Analysis JianHakan Buğra Erentuğ
8Affine Medical Image Registration with Coarse-to-Fine Vision TransformerCVPR JianLuis David Reyes Vargas
9Preserving Tumor Volumes for Unsupervised Medical Image RegistrationICCV JianFurkan Yakal
10Clinically-Inspired Multi-Agent Transformers for Disease Trajectory Forecasting from Multimodal DataIEEE TMI Li / Nuno WolfYuliia Zinkeieva

MetaViT: Metabolism-Aware Vision Transformer for Differential Diagnosis of Parkinsonism with 18F-FDG PET

IPMI Li / Nuno WolfIvan Stoyanov
12A Hybrid Multi-Scale Attention Convolution and Aging Transformer Network for Alzheimer's Disease DiagnosisIEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics Li / Nuno WolfArda Hüseyinoglu


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