We would like to cordially invite you to an event of the TUM Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering with its three Centers of Competence

Communication (CoC COM)
Design of Electronic Circuits & Systems (CoC DECS)
Embedded & Cyber-physical Systems (CoC ECPS)

on Friday, July 19th 2019, starting at 1:30 pm at the TUM Inner City Campus.


from 13:30Reception with exhibition of posters and demos (Forum Audimax)
14:00 - 14:30News from the Department (Audimax), Vice Dean U. Schlichtmann
15:00 - approx. 16:00Three parallel sessions on the research in the CoCs (Theresianum)
from 16:00Get-Together (Forum Audimax)

The program

Starting at 13:30, a joint demo and poster session of the CoCs will take place in the forum of the Audimax, where current project results will be demonstrated. The event will later conclude there with a get together, where food and drinks will be served.

From 15:00 Presentations in three parallel sessions:

Research of the CoC Design of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DECS) in room 0602
15:00 – 15:20Circuit Design Challenges in a Digital Society (R. Brederlow)
15:20 – 15:40Risc V & Accelerators for Post-Quantum Cryptography (T. Fritzmann/
G. Sigl)
15:40 – 16:00Back to the Roots of Timing (Li Zhang)
Research of the CoC Embedded & Cyber-physical Systems (ECPS) in room 0606
15:00 – 15:20Machine Learning for EDA (D. Müller-Gritschneder)
15:20 – 15:40Blockchain for Industrial IoT (S. Steinhorst)
15:40 – 16:00Making image processing for autonomous systems real-time and not
just real-fast (M. Geier)
Research of the CoC Communication (COM) in the Audimax
15:00 – 15:205G Projekt (W. Kellerer/E. Steinbach)
15:20 – 15:40Quanten Forschungsinstitut Garching (C. Jirauschek)
15:40 – 16:20Nachwuchswissenschaftler stellen ihre Arbeit vor / Young scientists
introduce their research (R. Heckel, M. Joham, J. Nötzel, A. Wachter-Zeh)

In addition to representatives from the industry, we also warmly invite our students. The event offers the opportunity to get to know the Chairs and to come into contact with industry representatives.

  • IT Security in an Industry 4.0 Production Line Demonstrated in a Fischertechnik Lab
  • Strain Sensing with Standard CMOS Technology and Read-out Circuits
  • pH-Measurement System
  • Protection Foils for High-Security Embedded Systems Using PUF Technology (Fraunhofer AISEC)
  • Design Automation for Wavelength-Routed Optical Networks-on-Chips
  • Aging-aware Lifetime Enhancement for Memristor-based Neuromorphic Computing
  • Safety Analyse mit virtuellen Prototypen und Lichtzaun-Hardware-Demonstrator
  • Resource Aware Image Processing
  • The Influence of LWE/RLWE Parameters on the Stochastic Dependence of Decryption Failures
  • IoT Interoperability through Web of Things
  • Embedded Blockchain Verification
  • Teleoperation of the MAVI mobile robot platform for e-health applications
  • Machine Learning based multiscale simulation method for charge transport in organic semiconductors
  • Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of Charge transfer mechanism in Diluted donor Organic Solar Cells
  • Toward Optimal Mobility-Aware VM Placement and Routing in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks
  • NCSbench: Benchmarking Platform for Networked Control Systems
  • Autonomous inspection with drones and AI-guided data analysis
  • Information theory of the nonlinear optical fiber channel
  • Transform Code distribution matcher
  • Edge Cloud Based Collaborative SLAM
  • Hearing Aids Simulation and Real-time Acoustical Simulation System (rtSOFE)
  • Wet Antenna Correction for Ground Rainfall Mapping based on Microwave Communication Links
  • Accurate Determination of Radiation Patterns from Near-Field Measurements in Highly Reflective Environments
  • Subarray Hybrid Architectures for mmWave Communication
  • Learning the Uplink/Downlink FDD Gap in Wireless Communications
  • A Framework for Robust Function and Sensor Design for Automated Vehicular Safety Systems
  • Performance of Programmable Protocol Processing Components
  • Introduction to NFDM Transmission
  • Hybrid NoC for Fail-Operational and Hard Real-Time Communication in MPSoC
  • Power Proxies for Multicore Processors based on Independent Component Analysis
  • 5G Research Hub Munich - Focus Application: eHealth
  • Coding for Reliable Data Storage
  • Distributed Battery Management System Demonstrator
  • Audiometric Devices for Robust and Affordable Hearing Screening
  • Teleoperation for Autonomous Driving Failures
  • Haptic Codecs

Registration period is over

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Kontakt Organisationsteam:

Dipl.-Ing. Florian Wilde
Lehrstuhl für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Technische Universität München
Arcisstr. 21
80333 München

+49 89 289 28270

Bei weiteren Fragen zum Datenschutz kontaktieren Sie gerne den Datenschutzbeauftragten: www.datenschutz.tum.de

Chair for Security in Information Technology

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Sigl

Technical University of Munich

Theresienstr. 90
80333 München

Tel: +49 89 289 28251

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