Student:Max Gittel






Categorized References:

**Generate Textures on Meshes without textures**:

* Text2Tex: Text-driven Texture Synthesis via Diffusion Models [PDF](
* TexFusion: Synthesizing 3D Textures with Text-Guided Image Diffusion Models [PDF](
* Texture Fields: Learning Texture Representations in Function Space [PDF](
* TEXTure: Text-Guided Texturing of 3D Shapes [PDF](
* Texturify: Generating Textures on 3D Shape Surfaces [PDF](
* LATTE3D : Large-scale Amortized TextToEnhanced3D Synthesis [PDF](
* Paint-it: Text-to-Texture Synthesis via Deep Convolutional Texture Map Optimization and Physically-Based Rendering [PDF](
* Paint3D: Paint Anything 3D with Lighting-Less Texture Diffusion Models [PDF](

**Texture from Drawing:**

- 3D-aware Conditional Image Synthesis [PDF](
* Deep3DSketch+: Obtaining Customized 3D Model by Single Free-Hand Sketch through Deep Learning [PDF](

**3D Model from Images**

- Fine Detailed Texture Learning for 3D Meshes with Generative Models [PDF](
* GET3D: A Generative Model of High Quality 3D Textured Shapes Learned from Images [PDF](
* Convolutional Generation of Textured 3D Meshes [PDF](
* Pixel2Mesh: Generating 3D Mesh Models from Single RGB Images [PDF](

**3D Model From Text:**

* Zero-Shot Text-Guided Object Generation with Dream Fields [PDF](
* Shap·E: Generating Conditional 3D Implicit Functions [PDF](
- CLIP-Mesh: Generating textured meshes from text using pretrained image-text models [PDF](
* Magic3D: High-Resolution Text-to-3D Content Creation [PDF](
* Diffusion-Based Signed Distance Fields for 3D Shape Generation [PDF](
* Dream3D: Zero-Shot Text-to-3D Synthesis Using 3D Shape Prior and Text-to-Image Diffusion Models [PDF](

**View Reconstruction**

* Zero-1-to-3: Zero-shot One Image to 3D Object [PDF](

**Model like Human**

* Modeling 3D Shapes by Reinforcement Learning [PDF](Modeling 3D Shapes by Reinforcement Learning)
* PolyGen: An Autoregressive Generative Model of 3D Meshes [PDF](


* NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis [PDF](

**Map PBR Materials to Meshes using Images**

* PhotoShape: Photorealistic Materials for Large-Scale Shape Collections [PDF](

**Extents Textures to Infinity**

* GramGAN: Deep 3D Texture Synthesis From 2D Exemplars [PDF](

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