Antrag auf Gutachten

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Allgemeine Informationen

Title: *

Name: *

Surname: *

E-mail-address: *

Please enter your E-Mail address

Course of studies: *

e.g. Management & Technology (B.Sc.)

Current academic semester: *

e.g. 3

Grade point average: *

e.g. 1,5

Reason for recommendation letter: *

Please select

Desired date of pickup:


TUMonline Grade Report: *

PDF, max. 5MB

Curriculum Vitae: *

PDF, max. 5MB

Content Proposal: *

PDF, max. 5MB

Other Relevant Documents:

PDF, max. 5MB

Data Privacy Statement

With your permission, your data will be collected, processed, and used for the following purposes:

  • Assessment of study achievements
  • Assessment of other achievements (e.g., internships, stays abroad, extracurricular commitment)

Your personal data will be collected, processed, and used in the context of the aforementioned objectives in accordance with the Bavarian Data Protection Act (BayDSG).

The collection, processing, and use of your data take place on a voluntary basis.

Furthermore, you can revoke your consent at any time without any adverse consequences.

Please send any notice of cancellation to:

Technische Universität München; Professur Managerial Economics Prof.
Kurschilgen, Arcisstr. 21, 80333 München; E-Mail:

In the event of cancellation, your data will be deleted upon receipt of your notice.

Data Privacy Statement: *

Data Validation

Please check your details before clicking on "Send". Clicking on "Send" will finally send off your data.

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Verification code: *

Please verify your appliction with the code above.

Professur Managerial Economics Prof. Kurschilgen

Technische Universität München 
Arcisstr. 21 
80333 München

  • Keine Stichwörter