Author: | Leon Sandner |
Supervisor: | Prof. Gudrun Klinker |
Advisor: | M.Sc. Sandro Weber |
Submission Date: | 09.09.2020 |
This thesis proposes an architecture for the reactive and distributed framework Ubi-Interact (Ubii) which allows it to handle enormous processing loads by letting dedicated clients within the local network do processing in various programming languages. We explain the principle of ubiquitous computing, a concept which comprises distributed real-time computing. We give an overview of distributed architecture goals and show how other distributed frameworks solve processing intensive workloads. We also give a short overview of Ubii and explain the limiting factors of NodeJs that lead to the proposed solution. We explain our solution architecture, what we have already implemented and tested, what still needs to be implemented and proven, and further solutions that could make it possible for Ubii to process vast amounts of data, distributed and within a real-time context.