Sebastian Gensler, winter semester 20/21


Basic sizing methods in ultrasonic testing

An indication in an ultrasonic signal (A-Scan, see A-Scan) can be analyzed using the dynamic of the echo signal (half-amplitude technique) or the amplitude of the echo (DGS method). The half-amplitude technique is used for reflectors which dimensions are bigger than the sound beam of the used probe. In contrast the DGS method is used for reflectors smaller than the sound beam [1].

The Distance Gain Size (DGS) diagram was developed in 1958 by the german physicist Josef Krautkrämer and his brother Herbert Krautkrämer [2].

The DGS method is a non-destructive testing technique (NDT) to characterize defects in solid materials. This ultrasonic sizing technique relates the echo amplitude of a circular disc reflector to the amplitude of a flat bottom hole in the same depth or same distance. The resulting echo amplitude can manually compared with printed curves of the DGS diagram to analyze the defect [3]. Moreover, it is very difficult to measure the exact size if the defect has a skew [4].

Half-amplitude technique

With the half-amplitude technique, the length and the width of a defect can be measured by using the Pulse-Echo Setup (see: Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Method).

Figure 1: Step 1:Testing setup using the half-amplitude technique. (Source: Sebastian Gensler)

Figure 2: Step 1: A-Scan of the setup in figure 1 showing the initial pulse and the backwall echo. (Source: Sebastian Gensler)

If the transducer moves over a test piece without a defect, the main part of the ultrasound energy is reflected by the backwall (see figure 1 and 2).

Figure 3: Step 2: A Part of the sound beam hits the defect and is reflected back to the transducer. (Source: Sebastian Gensler)

Figure 4: Step 2: A-Scan of the setup in figure 3 showing the defect echo and backwall echo. (Source: Sebastian Gensler)

Once the transducer gets close to the defect, a part of the sound is reflected by the defect while the other part is reflected by the backwall. The closer the transducer gets to the defect the higher is the defect echo and the lower the backwall reflection (see figure 3 and 4).

Figure 5: Step 3: The transducer is located directly above the defect. The Sound beam is completely reflected by the defect. (Source: Sebastian Gensler)

Figure 6: Step 3: A-Scan corresponding to testing setup in figure 5 showing the initial pulse and the peaked up defect echo without backwall. (Source: Sebastian Gensler)

If the transducer is located vertically above the defect, all of the transmitted ultrasound will be reflected by the defect and the maximum height of the defect echo amplitude is reached. There is no backwall echo (see figure 5 and 6).

For the half-amplitude technique, the height of the maximum defect amplitude (figure 6) will be searched (= Peaking Up). The transducer will be moved further until the maximum of the amplitude drops -6dB (figure 4). This is equal to the position where half of the sound beam hits the defect. By neglection of  the attenuation and scattering, the amplitude of the backwall echo and the amplitude of the defect reflection are the same size at exact the half of the maximum amplitude [5].



Figure 7: General DGS diagram. (Source: Sebastian Gensler)

Depending on the used transmitter, there are specific DGS diagrams. In a normed DGS diagram (see figure 7) the distance A between the scatterer and the probe is plotted on the horizontal axis (see formular 1). The Gain V is plotted on the vertical axis (see formular 2).

Formular 1:   A=\frac{z}{N_s}

A=Normalized ~defect ~distance\\ z=Reflector ~distance\\ N_s=Nearfield~ length~ of~ probe              

Formular 2:  V=\frac{H_r}{H_0}

V=Gain\\ H_r=Reflector~ amplitude ~height\\ H_0=Comparison~ amplitude~ height             

Each line in the DGS diagram shows how the amplitudes obtained from different sizes of circular disc reflectors decrease as the distance between the probe and the reflector increases. The red curve shows the response of the backwall reflection (see figure 7) [6].

The dimensionless defect size G is equal to the ratio between the size of the disc reflector (D_r) and the size of the piezo crystal (D_s) (formular 3).

Formular 3: G= \frac{D_r}{D_s}

 G=Defect\ size\ (dimensionsless\ unit) \\ D_r=Diameter\ of\ reflector\\ D_s=Diameter\ of\ emitter

If the defect is in the far field of the transducer and \frac{D_s}{λ}≫1 the diameter D_s  can be calculated using formular 4.

Formular 4: p_s=p_0\frac{πD_s^2}{4λz}                       

p_s=Emitter~sound~pressure\\ p_0=Inital~sound~pressure\\ D_s=Diameter~of~emitter\\ λ=Wavelenght \\ z=Reflector~distance

By assuming that p\textsubscript{0r} ≈ p_0 the reflected sound pressure p_rof the transducer as an emitter and receiver is equal to formular 5.

Formular 5: p_s=p\textsubscript{0r}\frac{πD_s^2}{4λz}=p_0\frac{π^2D_s^2D_r^2}{16λ^2z^2} 

p_r=Receiver~sound~pressure\\ D_r=Diameter~of~reflector

The ratio of the reflection echo H_r and the comparative echo H_0 (e.g. 80 % screen height) are equal to the ratio of sound pressure of the reflection and the initial sound pressure (formular 6).

Formular 6:\frac{H_r}{H_0}=\frac{p_r}{p_0}

H_r=Reflected~amplitude \\ H_0=Comparative~amplitude

Now the defect size can be calculated by using the comparative echo. Therefore, the reflection diameter D_r simplifies to (formular 7) [2].

Formular 7: D_r=\frac{4λz}{D_s π}\sqrt{\frac{H_r}{H_0}}

Testing using DGS diagrams

Setup for testing

The DGS curves are already implemented in modern digital testing instruments. Based on a reflection calibration on the backwall or a circular shaped reflector in known depth, the transceiver and material properties of all curves can be calculated automatically. Only the curve of the selected reflector size will be displayed [2].

Restrictions [3]

There are two different procedures for DGS method:

  • Reference lines procedure,
  • Reference height procedure.

To choose the right technique it is essential to know the restrictions for each procedure (see Table 1).

Table 1: Restrictions
Reference height procedureReference line procedure
Only valid for perpendicular and angle transducers
Exact evaluation only in far field possible
Relatively fast preparation before testingEcho estimation directly on the screen
Echo estimation complex

Reference lines procedure [3]

To get an overview how to read a DGS diagram with the reference line procedure, figure 8 shows the graph of the backwall and just one graph of a circular disk reflector D\textsubscript{KSR} . The procedure calculates a reference line and every signal of a defect that exceeds this line is categorized as a critical defect.

The procedure can be divided into 4 steps:

  • Distance adjustment,
  • Sensitivity adjustment,
  • Display evaluation,
  • Correction of transducer.

Figure 8: DGS diagram for reference lines procedure. (Source: Sebastian Gensler)

Some further information are given in the DGS diagram (see figure 8):

  • Probe type (in this case AM4R-8x9-38),
  • Used reflector block (K2) and amplitude correction value \Delta{}V\textsubscript{K2}
  • Reference block correction value,
  • Sound attenuation.

The determination of the equivalent reflector size D\textsubscript{KSR}  is based on the comparative of two echo amplitudes. Therefore the echo of an unknown reflector is compared with the echo of a known one or a reference reflector. For testing with a straight beam probe, where the sound beam is perpendicular to the transducer, the backwall can be used for the reference echo. For angle beam probes there is no backwall which is oriented  perpendicular to the sound beam (see figure 9). Therefore reference blocks are used to get a reference echo. In this case the reference block K2 is used which has a radius of 25 mm (green vertical line). The amplitude correction value \Delta{}V\textsubscript{K2} corrects the differences between the signal of a cylindrical surface reference block and the reference signal from a flat backwall (see figure 8).

At first the distance will be calibrated by using formular 8.

Formular 8: s_b=\frac{2d*1.2}{cos(α)}

s_b=Distance~calibration~value \\ d=Thickness\\ α=Angle~of~sound~beam      

Figure 9: Geometry of sound path (Source: Sebastian Gensler)

With a thickness of the test sample d (see figure 9) of 40 mm, the calibration value  is equal to 136 mm. In the diagram the next nearest value 150 mm (blue vertical line) is used (see figure 9).

In the second step \Delta{}V (see formular 9) is calculated to adjust the sensitivity. Therefore the calibration distance and the backwall curve are marked in the diagram (figure 8).

Formular 9:\Delta{}V=\Delta{}V\textsubscript{reference echo}-\Delta{}V\textsubscript{calibration echo}

\Delta{}V=Difference~ between~ reference~ and ~calibration ~echo\\ \Delta{}V\textsubscript{reference echo}=Value~of~reference~echo\\ \Delta{}V\textsubscript{calibration echo}=Value~of~calibration~echo\\

The reference height H_0 is defined with the intersection point that is given with the highest point of the circular disc line and the sound path. Afterwards the gain difference of different sound paths are calculated (see table 3). The expected echo H_r will be calculated with formular 10.

Formular 10: \frac{H_r}{H_0}=10^\frac{-{\Delta}V}{20}

H_r=Reflected ~amplitude\\ H_0=Comparative~ amplitude \\ ∆V=Difference ~between ~reference ~and ~calibration~ echo

The registering gain V_R is equal to the gain which adjusts the echo on a constant screen height (e.g. 80 %) and adding the different correction values (see formular 11).

Formular 11: V_R= V+∆V\textsubscript{K2}+∆V_T+∆V

V_R=Registering~gain\\ V=Gain\\ ∆V\textsubscript{K2}=Correction~ value~ for ~refrence~ block ~K2\\ ∆V_T=Transducer~ correction~ value                

In conclusion, the echo height exceed is calculated by formular 12.

Formular 12: ∆H_u= ∆V_U=V_U- V_R

∆H_u=Echo~ difference\\ V_U=Instrument~ gain\\ V_R=Reflection ~echo

To give a quantitative statement about the location and size, the echo height exceed will be filled in negative gain direction on the reference line. The defect reflects the sound worse than the reflector D\textsubscript{KSR}  with 2 mm radius in the same depth. The difference is equal to ∆H_u (see figure 8).


The following steps make the theory more touchable by using an example test sample. Before testing, some values are already given by the materials or diagram (see table 2).

Table 2: Example

Test object




Register limit

D\textsubscript{KSR} =2~mm

Reference block

25 mm Radius (R2) at K2

Amplitude correction value


Sound attenuation


Gain at K2 to achieve the screen height to 80 % (H_0=80 \%): V=18dB

The distance calibration value can be calculated by formular 13 with the thickness d=40mm (see table 2) and the angle of the transducer (see figure 9).

Formular 13:s_b=\frac{2d*1.2}{cos(α)}=\frac{2*40mm*1.2}{cos(45°)}=136mm\rightarrow{150}mm

s_b=Distance~calibration~value \\ d=Thickness\\ α=Angle~of~sound~beam

To construct the reference line at the value V\textsubscript{reference height} (see figure 8) the screen height must be calculated at each distance s by using \Delta{}V\textsubscript{i} and formular 10. The results of this calculation are listed in Table 3.

Table 3: Calculation of reference line
s (mm)


H (% screen height)

Formular 14:\Delta{}V=\Delta{}V\textsubscript{reference height}-\Delta{}V\textsubscript{calibration height}=18dB-2dB=16dB

\Delta{}V=Difference~ between~ reference~ and ~calibration ~echo\\ \Delta{}V\textsubscript{reference height}=Height~of~reference~echo\\ \Delta{}V\textsubscript{calibration height}=Height~of~calibration~echo\\

Formular 15:V_R= V+∆V\textsubscript{K2}+∆V_T+∆V=18dB-3,5dB+0dB+16dB=30,5dB

V_R=Registering~gain\\ V=Gain\\ ∆V\textsubscript{K2}=Correction~ value~ for ~refrence~ block ~K2\\ ∆V_T=Transducer~ correction~ value

To examine the signals, the gain control at the equipment is set to the value of the registering gain V_R. Every signal that reach or exceed the reference line must be recorded. While testing, the echo height difference∆H_u (see formular 16) for registered signals can be read directly on the display. Afterwards the reflector size can be estimated using the DGS diagram.

For a defect at 60 mm depth the needed gain for H_0=80 \%  screen height is equal to  V_u=34dB. The value ∆H_u gives information about the reflection behavior of the defect.

Formular 16:∆H_u= ∆V_U=V_U- V_R=34dB-30,5dB=3,5dB

∆H_u=Echo~ difference\\ V_U=Instrument~ gain\\ V_R=Reflection ~echo

The height difference ∆H_u can be plot into negative gain direction at 60 mm (see figure 8) and leads to a bigger reflector size than the reference line with a disk reflector of 2 mm at V\textsubscript{reference height}. In conclusion, the defect reflects the ultrasound 3,5 dB better than the 2 mm disk reflector.



Normalized flaw distance



Reflector distance



Nearfield length of probe






Reflected amplitude

%-screen height


Comparative amplitude

%-screen height


Flaw size



Diameter of reflector



Diameter of emitter



Emitter sound pressure



Initial sound pressure






Receiver sound pressure



Initial sound pressure of reflector



Distance calibration value






Angle of sound beam


\Delta{}V\textsubscript{reference echo}

Value of reference echo


\Delta{}V\textsubscript{calibration echo}

Value of calibration echo



Correction Value for reference Block K2



Transducer correction value



Difference between reference and calibration echo



Instrument gain



Reflection echo



Height difference



[1], Zugriff am:10.12.20

[2] Krautkrämer, J.: Determination of the size of defects by the ultrasonic impulse echo method, British Journal of applied physics. (1959)

[3] Schiebold, K.: Zerstörungsfreie Werkstoffprüfung - Ultraschallprüfung. 1.Auflage (Band 3), Springer‐Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, (2015)

[4] Meier, R., Kleinert, W.: Entwicklung verbesserter AVG-Diagramme für die etablierten Winkelprüfköpfe, DACH-Jahrestagung, Erlangen, Bonn. (2019)

[5], Zugriff am: 11.12.20

[6], Zugriff am: 11.12.20  

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