there are often existing projects which you will use for your own, or on which you continue to work. This tutorial will show you how to correctly download the project to your computer from Gitlab by using Sourcetree.

Step-by-step guide

  1. First go to and open the project you want to download. If you do not see the project in the list you do not have access to it, in which case you have to ask your supervisor to grant you access.
  2. Once you have found a project and open the website you should see something similar to this:
  3. copy the link as described in the picture and then open the setup file. It should be in the first level of the project, but if it is not try to open some of the folders to locate it.
  4. You have to find out what the correct folder path for the project is, the easiest way to do that is to look through the setup file and find the location where the system is defined. In this case the location below is what you are looking for:
  5. the folder systems is already part of the git project and therefore not necessary. However, to correctly download the project to your harddrive it is necessary to put it into the correct user and project folder (some users did not use project folders because they only had one project)
  6. Now go into your V-HAB folder and navigate to user, then create the respective user and project folder. See below for an example:
  7. Then go to sourcetree and select clone
  8. Now you have the project on your computer and can work with it!