Generally whenever you think something in V-HAB should be changed you will have to create an Issue to discuss these changes. Exemptions from this rule are minor changes / fixes that can be implemented quickly. In that case you can create a branch with the changes and directly create a merge request. The merge request should contain the same information as described below for the respective issues in more complicated cases. 

Once the issue is raised and the discussion regarding it is finished the workflow continuous in the next chapter of this wiki: 4.2 How to Commit new Code to the V-HAB Core

4.1.1 Creating a Bug Report Issue

If you notice a problem within V-HAB you should create an issue in Gitlab to track this. In general this issue should allow other developers to understand the issue and at least be able to reproduce it. The following points should help guide you through this process:

  1. The first part of the issue should briefly summarize the problem you encountered. For Example, the simulation time in the simple_flow tutorial increased by a factor of XXX because of the commit XXX. You should state the issue clearly and if possible quantify it. For example if you write “The mass imbalance has increased” that can mean anything from 1e-8 g to 10 kg (which is important to judge the urgency of the issue) and it also does not provide relevant information on the system/simulation in which it occurred.
  2. The next part should explain how other developers can reproduce this issue. Following the example from 1. You could say: “if you switch to the commit XXX and run the simple flow tutorial the mass imbalance will be XXX kg. If you switch back to commit XXX the mass imbalance will only be XXX kg.” If additional steps are required to reproduce the issue be as precise as possible. If necessary provide code here or create a Bug_Report_Branch (with a Bug specific Name) in which you showcase the problem. If other people are not able to reproduce the problem they cannot solve it.
  3. Then you should try to identify possible reasons for this problem. Try to identify the parts of the code that generate the erroneous behavior and explain how you think these code parts may be responsible. Please reference the commit you are referring to, the file names and folders and the lines within the file. Copy the most relevant code sections into the issue.
  4. The final part of the issue can try to identify possible solutions for the problem. This is optional and can also be generated in the discussion but if you already have ideas you should include them.

4.1.2 Implementing New Features

If you want to suggest a new feature for V-HAB you should create an issue for that features that describes the following points:

  1. What does the feature do?
  2. Why is the feature necessary, what are use cases for the new feature?
  3. And if you already have an idea about it: How does the feature work? (This is optional and can also be created during the discussion in the issue)

This will allow other developers to see if a similar feature that covers this use case already exists and also make suggestions on possible ways to implement this feature.

  • Keine Stichwörter