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Introduction to the Scientific Community - Inorganic Chemistry

The "Introduction To the Scientific Community - Inorganic Chemistry" (ITSC-IC) is aiming at meta-level research related training and teaching to foster the integration of students to the scientific community of the Department of Chemistry.

Key measure for this is the nature of the final products gathered by the active student community:

  1. Student Poster Symposium (covering in depth practicals within all areas of research),

  2. ITSC Proceedings (Short Communications),

  3. ITSC-IC Wiki (articles, interviews of the Faculty’s Principle Investigators, Guest Researchers etc...).

These products of scientific communication are a result of a joint effort of all students in the module and highlight the research activities within the Department of Chemistry from different points of view.

The principal concepts (leading ideas) of management & organization and the structure of ITSC are the development of self-confidence, independence, maturation and efficient communication, team-work, responsibility and the self-organization of large groups in complex situations which reflect, as closely as possible, authentic scientific job practices. The scientific products gathered by the student community are in fact a result of the work done by every single student participant. Its organization is supervised and guided by elected student boards and supported by guidance and training workshops by external experts and academic staff members. A spin-off goal is to shape a strong identity and a self-organized student community as an integral part of the academic culture of the Department.

  • Keine Stichwörter