Dear Fellow, 

Here you will find our form for the required interim report. 

At the beginning of the fellowship, you defined the goals of your postdoctoral studies together with your host. Now we ask you to complete the interim report on what you have achieved and realized so far. 

Please note: Upon acceptance of the TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship, you are expected to submit at least one external funding proposal to one of the major funding organizations for postdoctoral fellowships (e.g. AvH, MSCA, DFG) during the first 12 months of the fellowship. Please indicate below the respective funding organization if you have done so. 

TUM Global Postdoc Fellows are supported in applying for external funding during the fellowship period. For example, the TUM Talent Factory offers individual advice on funding opportunities or workshops to which fellows are invited preferentially.

If you have any questions about the process or other issues, please contact us at

TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship - Report

Please fill in the following details:

Please select a workshop

Scientific Progress

Three Bullettpoints - 100-200 words
400-600 words
Please use the ACS Citation Style and number your publications.

Feedback on the Program

Please provide a short statement how the fellowship helped you in your development.
Please fell free to provide feedback on how one can improve the system.
Please fell free to provide feedback on how one can improve the system.

Declaration of consent

With your permission, your data will be collected, processed, and used for the following purpose: To contact you by email before the workshop as well as an evaluation of the event in case you get selected. The data will be stored for 12 months.

Your personal data will be collected, processed, and used in the context of the aforementioned objectives in accordance with the Bavarian Data Protection Act (BayDSG).

The data of selected participants will be passed on to the respective trainers of the workshop.

The collection, processing, and use of your data take place on a voluntary basis.

Furthermore, you can revoke your consent at any time without any adverse consequences.

Please send any notice of cancellation to: Technische Universität München; TUM ForTe, Arcisstraße 21, 80333 München; E-Mail: In the event of cancellation, your data will be deleted upon receipt of your notice.

TUM Office for Research and Innovation

TUM Talent Factory for Postdocs

Technical University of Munich

Arcisstr. 21
80333 München

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  • Keine Stichwörter