The TUM Talent Factory would like to hear back from you how you liked the 14. Research Opportunities Week. 

Since we want to continuously improve our program and support the participants in the best possible way, we would appreciate your feedback. The feedback is anonymous, so the information and ratings will of course have no influence on possible future applications.

ROW 2023 Feedback Form

Demographics - Nationality

Demographics - Country of instituion granting the PhD

Demographics - Current career stage

Ways to ROW - How have you heard about ROW?

Ways to ROW - How do you rate the usability of the web portal in the application and registration process?

Ways to ROW - Were you satisfied with the supply of information in advance?

Program of ROW - How did you like Part 1 (Welcome, Campus Tour, TGPF Intro)

Program of ROW - How did you like Part 2 (Postdoc Funding Organizations)

Program of ROW - How did you like Part 3 (World Café)

Program of ROW - How did you like Part 4 (Guided Munich Tour and Dinner)

Program of ROW - How did you like Part 5 (Carrer Perspectives Beyon Postodoc - TUM Junior Fellows)

Program of ROW - How did you like Part 6 (TUM Entrepreneurship)

Program of ROW - How did you like Part 8 (ROW Reception)

Program of ROW - How did you like Part 7 (Freising Campus - Brewery and Dinner)

Program of ROW - How did you like Part 9 (TUM Postdocs)

Program of ROW - How did you like Part 10 (Summary and Goodbye)

Program of ROW - How were your meetings with TUM Professors?

Program of ROW - Did you know the TUM professor(s) before arriving personally?

Program of ROW - What do you think about the organization of the event and the information provided to you?

The Fellowship - Are you planning to apply for the TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship during this call?

The Fellowship - How do you rate the attractiveness of the TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship?

The Fellowship - Are you planning to apply for other postdoc funding initiatives or have you found other means to join TUM?

Summary - Did the Research Opportunities Week overall meet your expectations?

Summary - Do you have any suggestions for further events that we should include?

Declaration of consent

With your permission, your data will be collected, processed, and used for the following purpose: To contact you by email before the workshop as well as an evaluation of the event in case you get selected. The data will be stored for 12 months.

Your personal data will be collected, processed, and used in the context of the aforementioned objectives in accordance with the Bavarian Data Protection Act (BayDSG).

The data of selected participants will be passed on to the respective trainers of the workshop.

The collection, processing, and use of your data take place on a voluntary basis.

Furthermore, you can revoke your consent at any time without any adverse consequences.

Please send any notice of cancellation to: Technische Universität München; TUM ForTe, Arcisstraße 21, 80333 München; E-Mail: In the event of cancellation, your data will be deleted upon receipt of your notice.

Thank you for your feedback!!

TUM Office for Research and Innovation

Technical University of Munich

Arcisstr. 21
80333 München

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