Garam Lee, 06.09.2023 (Summer semester 2023)


Acoustic Emission Analysis (AEA) is a passive, non-destructive testing technique used to monitor the health of structures or materials. AEA does not require a signal generator; instead, sensors detect signals emitted from the damage source when the damage was created (see Figure 1.1). This technique provides us insights into the origin, development, and location of damages. It finds applications in various fields, including materials science [12] , quality testing and monitoring [8], earthquake study [7] , and medicine (orthopedics) [10] .

Figure 1.1 AEA uses a passive method. When a damage occurs and generates a signal, the sensors capture this signal.

Source: Garam Lee

One crucial aspect of AEA is an accurately determining the source location of acoustic emission. One method for determination involves utilizing the time that it takes for an acoustic emission signal to travel from the source to different sensors, as presented in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2 A two-dimensional source location problem is illustrated. Sensors are positioned at the different distances from the source, which causes the signal emitted from the source to arrive at the sensors at different times.

Source: Garam Lee

For a three-dimensional case, it can be mathematically represented as the following equation [6] :

\sqrt{(x_i-x)^2+(y_i-y)^2+(z_i-z)^2}=v(t_i-t)     (1.1)


&x, y, z&&\text{the coordinates of the source}\\ &x_i, y_i, z_i&&\text{the coordinates of the i-th sensor}\\ &v&&\text{stress wave propagation velocity}\\ &t&&\text{the origin time of the event}\\ &t_i&&\text{the arrival time at the i-th sensor}

The function can be solved non-iteratively or iteratively. Their primary distinctions lie in the estimation approach and computational complexity.

Non-iterative Localization Algorithms

Non-iterative algorithms are easy to apply and provide rapid estimates, because they directly solve equation (1.1) and therefore do not need to successively calculate approximations. The non-iterative algorithms have limitations in dealing with wave velocity. Although the wave velocity is a significant parameter for the accuracy of localization [13]  and the average wave velocities are different depending on the region in the structure, non-iterative algorithms make an assumption that the wave velocities are same for all sensors.

Inglada's method

Inglada’s method assumes the use of a minimum number of sensors [3] . This method solves the equation (1.1) by the linearization. By squaring both sides of the equation (1.1) and subtracting the equation of the first sensor from the rest, which yield [3] :

a_{i}x+b_{i}y+c_{i}z=e_{i}+f_{i}t                                        (2.1.1)


&a_{i}&&\text{$x_{i}-x_{1}$}\\ &b_{i}&&\text{$y_{i}-y_{1}$}\\&c_{i}&&\text{$z_{i}-z{1}$}\\&e_{i}&&\text{$0.5(R^{2}_{i}-R^{2}_{1}-v^{2}(t_{i}-t)^{2})$}\\&f_{i}&&\text{$v^{2}(t_{i}-t_{1})^{2}$}\\&R^{2}_{i}&&\text{$x^{2}_{i}+y^{2}_{i}+z^{2}_{i}$}\\&R^{2}_{1}&&\text{$x^{2}_{1}+y^{2}_{1}+z^{2}_{1}$}

The linearized equation (2.1) can be now solved for ,  and  in terms of t:

\begin{bmatrix} x\\y\\z \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} a_{2} & b_{2} & c_{2}\\ a_{3} & b_{3} & c_{3}\\ a_{4} & b_{4} & c_{4} \end{bmatrix}^{-1}\left (\begin{bmatrix} e_{2}\\e_{3}\\e_{4}\end{bmatrix}+\begin{bmatrix}f_{2}\\f_{3}\\f_{4}\end{bmatrix}t\right )               (2.1.2)

Substituting the equation (2.1.2) in the equation (1.1) results in a second order equation of t:

At^{2}+Bt+C=0                                                          (2.1.3)


&A, B, C&&\text{constant}

The quadratic equation (2.1.3) yields two solutions, but only one of them is valid. To determine which one is valid, we need to either compare the calculated origin time of event with the observed arrival time or to use additional arrival time of an additional sensor.

The USBM method

The USBM method, also known as the United State Bureau of Mines method, uses the linearization to solve the equation (1.1). The method requires at least one more equation than the number of unknown variables and assumes that the velocity is known. It starts by letting the equation (1.1) as distance between the i-th sensor and the damage source [3, 9] :

D_{i}=\sqrt{(x_{i}-x)^{2}+(y_{i}-y)^{2}+(z{i}-z)^{2}}               (2.2.1)

D_{i}=v(t_{i}-t)                                                               (2.2.2)

Since there are one more unknown variable than the number of equations, the method subtracts the distance for  from the distance for  and arrange the resulted equation [3] :

D_{i}-D_{1}=v(t_{i}-t_{1})                                                  (2.2.3)

d_{i}+\frac{e_{i}}{d_{i}}-\frac{2(a_{i}x+b_{i}y+c_{i}z)}{d_{i}}=-D_{1}                                (2.2.4)


&a_{i}&&\text{$x_{1}-x_{i}$}\\ &b_{i}&&\text{$y_{1}-y_{i}$}\\ &c_{i}&&\text{$z_{1}-z{i}$}\\ &d_{i}&&\text{$v(t_{i}-t_{1}$}\\ &e_{i}&&\text{$x^{2}_{1}+y^{2}_{1}+z^{2}_{1}-(x^{2}_{i}+y^{2}_{i}+z^{2}_{i})$}

To linearize the non-linear equation (2.2.4), the equation (2.2.4) is subtracted from the one for the rest, which yields [3] :

f_{i,1}x+f_{i,2}y+f_{i,3}z=h_{i}+g_{i}v^{2}                             (2.2.5)


&f_{i,1}&&\text{$2\left (\frac{a_{2}}{t_{2}}-\frac{a_{i}}{t_{i}} \right )$}\\ &f_{i,2}&&\text{$2\left (\frac{b_{2}}{t_{2}}-\frac{b_{i}}{t_{i}} \right )$}\\ &f_{i,3}&&\text{$2\left (\frac{c_{2}}{t_{2}}-\frac{c_{i}}{t_{i}} \right )$}\\ &h_{i}&&\text{$t_{2}-t_{i}$}\\ &g_{i}&&\text{$\frac{e_{2}}{t_{2}}-\frac{e_{i}}{t_{i}}$}\\ &i&&\text{$3,4,...,m$}

In matrix form, the linear system (2.2.5) can be written as:

\textbf{$Ax=B$}                                                                          (2.2.6)


\textbf{A}= \begin{bmatrix} f_{3,1} & f_{3,2} & f_{3,3}\\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots\\ f_{m,1} & f_{m,2} & f_{m,3} \end{bmatrix},\; \textbf{x}= \begin{bmatrix} x\\ y\\ z \end{bmatrix},\; \textbf{B}= \begin{bmatrix} h_{3}+g_{3}v^{2}\\ \vdots \\ h_{m}+g_{m}v^{2} \end{bmatrix}

Iterative Localization Algorithms

When a single velocity model is not suitable for localization of the AE source, iterative localization algorithms are used to overcome this limitation. These iterative localization algorithms evaluate the source location by initially applying a trial solution and then by progressively minimizing error. They offer flexibility and yield more accurate results [2] . However, their application is complex and demands greater computational resources. The outcomes are heavily reliant on factors such as the trial function, the number of iteration and the criteria for convergence.

The error  is caused from dissimilitude between the estimated solution and the real one and must be minimized. The estimated arrival time at the i-th sensor is determined by adding the time of event to the travel time from the origin to the sensor:

e=t_{i}-t_{i, estimated}                                                        (3.1)

t_{i, estimated}=t+T                                                        (3.2)


&t&&\text{time of event}\\ &T&&\text{travel time to i-th sensor}\\ &t_{i}&&\text{observed arrival time at i-th sensor}\\ &t_{i, estimated}&&\text{theoretically estimated arrival time at i-th sensor}

This article introduces two iterative methods: Geiger’s method (the derivative algorithm) and the Simplex method (the curve fitting technique). Their major difference lies in how the trial solution is updated.

Geiger's method

Geiger’s method [5]  assesses the error by utilizing the first-order Taylor approximation and numerically seeks an optimal solution through iterative updates to the coordinate for the next step. While this method converges rapidly, it can converge to a local minimum. And the number of iterations and the final solution are highly influenced by the initial trial solution, since the solution at each step is determined by the local neighborhood.

  Figure 3.1 A simple example of the first order Taylor approximation. It allows a function at a point  to be approximated around : .

  Source: Garam Lee

The observed arrival time can be determined with its estimated time and first-order derivatives [4, 5] :

t_{i}=\frac{\sqrt{(x_{i}-x)^{2}+y_{i}-y)^{2}+(z_{i}-z)^{2}}}{v_{i}}+t                                              (3.1.1)

t_{i}=t_{i, estimated}+\frac{\partial f_{i}}{\partial x}\Delta x+\frac{\partial f_{i}}{\partial y}\Delta y+\frac{\partial f_{i}}{\partial z}\Delta z+\frac{\partial f_{i}}{\partial t}\Delta t         (3.1.2)

where  is an trial solution and f(x, y, z, t) is the right side of equation (3.1.1). The error at each sensor, also known as channel residual, is defined:

e_{i}(x,y,z,t)=t_{i}-t_{i, estimated}                                                 (3.1.3)

e_{i}=\frac{\partial f_{i}}{\partial x}\Delta x+\frac{\partial f_{i}}{\partial y}\Delta y+\frac{\partial f_{i}}{\partial z}\Delta z+\frac{\partial f_{i}}{\partial t}\Delta t                              (3.1.4)

In matrix form, equation (3.1.4) can be written:

\textbf{$E=F\cdot\Delta q$}                                                                               (3.1.5)


\textbf{E}=\begin{bmatrix} e_{1}\\ \vdots\\ e_{i} \end{bmatrix}, \; \textbf{F}= \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial f_{1}}{\partial x}} & \frac{\partial f_{1}}{\partial y}} & \frac{\partial f_{1}}{\partial z}} & \frac{\partial f_{1}}{\partial t}}\\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots\\ \frac{\partial f_{i}}{\partial x}} & \frac{\partial f_{i}}{\partial y}} & \frac{\partial f_{i}}{\partial z}} & \frac{\partial f_{i}}{\partial t}}\\ \end{bmatrix}, \; \textbf{$\Delta q$}= \begin{bmatrix} \Delta x\\\Delta y\\\Delta z\\\Delta t \end{bmatrix}

The unknown vector \Delta{q} is calculated: 

\textbf{$\Delta{q}=F^{-1}E$}                                                                          (3.1.6)

If the determinant of the matrix F is equal to 0 or if fewer or more than four sensors are used, the least-squares methodcan be applied to solve the problem (3.1.5):

\textbf{$F^{T}E=F^{T}F\Delta{q}$}    or   \textbf{$\Delta{q}=(F^{T}F)^{-1}F^{T}E$}                   (3.1.7)

The solution of equation (3.1.7) is used to estimate the coordinate for the next iteration step and the process is repeated until the error is smaller than a predefined convergence criterion:

f(q)=f(q_{i})+f^{'}(q_{i})(q_{i+1}-q_{i})                                       (3.1.8)

0=f(q_{i})+f^{'}(q_{i})(q_{i+1}-q_{i})                                            (3.1.9)

q_{i+1}=q_{i}-\frac{f(q_{i})}{f^{'}(q_{I})}}                                                               (3.1.10)

Figure 3.2 A diagram illustrating the update of the coordinate.  represents the initial trial solution for .  is determined at the point where the tangent line at  intersects the x-axis.

Source: Garam Lee

Simplex method

While Geiger’s method uses differentiation to find an optimal solution, the Simplex method approaches the problem geometrically. Compared to the Geiger’s method, this approach does not require complex numerical processes such as differentiation or matrices, and there is no risk of divergence. Another advantage is that an optimal solution can be obtained in fewer iterations [1]  and discrete problems can be solved [1] .

The Simplex method assumes that the arrival time at each sensor contains error and starts building an initial simplex figure with one more vertex than the dimension of the problem space [11] . For example, triangle for two-dimensional space and tetrahedron for three-dimensional one. Each vertex represents error calculated through the least squares method:

total\,error=\sum e^{2}_{i}

The vertex with the maximum error is replaced by a new point, which is calculated according to the following mechanisms: reflection, expansion, contraction, and shrinkage (See Figure 3.3).

A reflected vertex is first created and if its error has a value within the range of the former minimum and maximum errors, the reflected vertex is accepted and replace the former maximum vertex. If the reflected vertex has error less than the former minimum, an expanded vertex is generated, and its error is calculated. If the error of the expanded vertex is less than the former minimum, the expanded vertex replaces the former maximum vertex. If the error is greater than the former minimum, the reflected vertex is accepted. If the reflected vertex has an error greater than the former maximum, then a contracted vertex is created. If the contracted vertex has an error less than the former maximum, the maximum vertex is replaced by the contracted one. If the error is greater than the maximum, then the figure is shrunk by replacing all vertices accept the minimum vertex. After a new vertex is adopted, the process is repeated until the size of shape is smaller than the predefined size.

(a) reflection(b) expansion

(c) contraction(d) shrinkage

Figure 3.3 An example of simplex figure in two-dimensional problem space is shown. In the two-dimensional space, a simplex figure is represented as a triangle and each vertex is characterized by arrival time at sensors and the total error. Let’s imagine that the vertex b has the maximum error, and the vertex c has the minimum error. A new vertex is generated to minimize the total error. (a) First, a reflected vertex  is positioned at a distance d from vertex b. The line connecting the vertices  and  passes through the center of the line connecting the other vertices. If the new error falls between the old minimum and maximum errors, a new figure is created by replacing  with . (b) If the error at  is less than the minimum, an expanded vertex is generated by reflecting at twice the distance. If the error of the expanded vertex is less than the old minimum error, vertices  is replaced by . If it is greater than the old minimum, vertices  is replaced by  as represented in (a). (c) If the reflected vertex has an error greater than the maximum error, a contracted vertex is created at half the distance from the center of the line between the other vertices. If its error is less than the old maximum, a new figure is formed by replacing  by . (d) If its error is greater than the old maximum, the figure is shrunk by replacing all vertices except the one with the minimum error at half of their original distance from it [1] .

Source: Garam Lee


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  • Keine Stichwörter