Copy this prompt and change everything in ()

I teach (psychology) in a (bachelor seminar). Make me an evaluation grid for an (essay) which is worth a total of (60 points).


Give me two tables. In the first table are the hard points awarded for correctly stated facts. Each fact should receive a maximum achievable number of points, depending on its importance, for which there should be a maximum of (30 points). The second table gives softer factors. This can be anything from spelling to a recognizable red thread. Please write here how this criterion must be fulfilled depending on the number of points and assign a maximum achievable number of points per factor.


The learning objective is: (Students should be able to differentiate between different types of motivation).

The task was: (Write an essay of no more than 500 words on what types of motivation there are, how they differ from each other and in which situations they should be used).

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