
answer to be written

Hans Eisenmann-Forum

Strategy & Terminology

A resource entry can be only a project, dataset & documents, a device, etc. It means an entry cannot be a project and contains datasets. It should be clear that entry as a project is presenting that specific project. For such an example, related datasets can be registered as standalone entries. Later, these datasets can be linked to the corresponding project.

answer to be written


At the moment, only users who have an email address with the following domains can register into HEF AgriHUB:


1: Comparing DKAN and CKAN (source:

CKAN is an open data catalog that has powered many high-profile portals, including the main open data portals for both the United Kingdom and the United States, among others. The makers of DKAN have enjoyed contributing to and deploying CKAN. So why DKAN?
Ultimately, DKAN is a complimentary offering to CKAN in the effort to make data more open and accessible.

2: Why should I use CKAN over DKAN? (source: [Stated on Sep. 2015]

Obviously, the short answer is: "when you do not need or want to be focused on Drupal as your solution's CMS". While I have read that DKAN is compatible with CKAN in terms of APIs, there are still various potential advantages of preferring to use CKAN over DKAN. In my opinion (I don't have a direct experience working with open data platforms, but trying to stay relatively up-to-date), those advantages include, but not limited to, better flexibility, much more mature codebase, much larger (115 vs. 15 contributors; "starred" on GutHub 979 vs. 91 times) and more active (15000+ vs. 800+ commits) development community as well as a lack of a single sponsoring organization (core vendor lock-in; yes, this term is still applicable to open source, especially in regard to various extensions and support).

3: (source:

If this CMS use case is relevant for you, and especially if your organization already uses Drupal for its websites (and/or has a PHP-savvy than Python-savvy team), do look at "DKAN" as well ( DKAN seeks to mimic the features and API of CKAN natively within Drupal, so there's just a single LAMP stack of software to deal with rather than an integration of two different open source platforms, as in the case of Wordpress+CKAN or Drupal+CKAN.

DCAT support in CKAN is indeed powered by ckanext-dcatThe DCAT support for this extension has been designed to be site-independent and customizable.
HEF AgriHUB also adapts the profiles to its implementation and hence compliant to DCAT version 1.0 (but not yet to version DCAT 2.0).

Data Security, Privacy, and Access Control

Terms of Use

HEF AgriHUB is only responsible for the platform, itself. The responsibility for the quality and liability of all the information and data are lied with the organisation who own that resource.

DOI registration & procedure:

At the moment HEF AgriHUB does not provide any doi. However, TUM Library does provide this service. here some more information in this repsect:

For DOI registration TUM UB have concluded a contract with the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB). The TIB is a datacite member.

About the procedure:
A DOI can be assigned for datasets on mediaTUM that are freely accessible and contain a full text. DOI requests can be made simply by e-mail or telephone. We point out the conditions before registration (publication rights, withdrawal of deletion and editing rights) and then register the DOI. It is also possible to pre-register a DOI and not register it yet, so that the DOI can still be printed in the PDF. After uploading the PDF, the DOI is then registered.

TUM UB itself only assign DOIs if the data is located on mediaTUM, because we have to guarantee that the data is unchanged and permanently stored.

There is no limit to the number of DOIs. For academic institutions a DOI registration is free of charge.

Supports & contacts

I hope you don't! But if you face any error, please contact us as soon as you can, so that we can resolve the problem. Either you can contact us directly through the contact page of HEF AgriHUB,  or send an email and if necessary a snapshot of the error you received to the admin.
Please note: In order to track the problem, we need to clearly know at what step and how the error appears. Please include this information in your text.

Cannot find an answer?
Email us

I am Mandana.
I am your contact person.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question or you need any clarification:


Your question is not in our FAQs and it is important for others as well? Why don't you write your question in the comment box? We will study and integrate them into the FAQs.

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2 Kommentare

  1. Thomas H. Kolbe sagt:

    I think we should also have a category “Data Security, Privacy, and Access Control“. This category is typically not required for Open Data portals.