In the period of 01.04.2019 - 31.12.2020, the following data were collected and registered into the HEF AgriHUB catalogue [latest state: 31.01.2021]

  • Project "Tierbeobachtung" (provided by prof. Auernhammer and deliver by Thomas Machl) 
  • TUM agricultural parcels for the year 2019 & 2020 (provided by Dr. Amon, delivered by Thomas Machl)
  • Some of used and generated data, a report in pdf and final presentation for the project "DigiFarm Dürnast" - LS für Pflanzenernährung, provided by Prof. Schmidhalter and dr. Heil
  • "Hof-Feld-Transportpfad" from project Landmodel provided by Thomas Machl 

  • All available lab devices from the old chair of "WZW - Lehrstuhl für Grünlandlehre"
  • "Ertragskarten" (provided by prof. Auernhammer and deliver by Thomas Machl) 

In addition to the above-listed data which were registered by us, HEF team members also directly registered their own data.

One harvester is also in action to directly harvest related datasets from GDI-BY.

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