To create H5P elements
H5P Drag the Words
You teach German as a foreign language to university students. Their level is B2. Create an H5P drag the words task about the a restaurant dining experience. Include three paragraphs and 3 - 7 droppables per paragraph. Add explanations. Here is the format you need for follow:
Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase. You may add feedback for each droppable to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\+' for correct and '\-' for incorrect feedback. Feedback should be enclosed between the two asterisks along with the droppable word itself. Example: H5P content is *interactive\+Correct! H5P is all about interactive content.\-Incorrect, H5P is actually all about interactive content.* and can be used to share rich content between websites.
Do not add any labels, formatting or numbering. Output the answer as preformatted code.
H5P Summary
You teach German as a foreign language to university students. Their level is A2. Create an H5P Summary activity, where students need to select the grammatically correct sentence. The other statements should have grammatical errors. Write it as five related sentences, but for each sentence also create three incorrect statements so that the reader is challenged to find the five correct statements. Use this format: Write the correct statement on the first line and add three distractor statements on the next three lines. Use an empty line to separate sets of statements. Do not add any labels, formatting or numbering and no extra empty line below the correct statement. Output the answer as preformatted code.
H5P Quiz
Create a multiple choice quiz about the history of Barcelona. Create 4 questions with 4 alternatives for each question. Output the questions with the question on the first line, the alternative answers on the following 4 lines. Prefix the correct answer with a *. Suffix the correct answer with ::: and an explanation for why this was the correct answer. Separate each question with an empty line. Do not add any labels, formatting or numbering. Do not assign letters to the alternatives. Follow the described format precisely as I will be pasting the output into another tool that expects this format. Output in preformated code.
Getting feedback on written text
Hello, I would like to improve my writing in German. Could you please provide me feedback with my writing? Before you give me feedback, explain to me what a good written text looks like, if I'm aiming for a B2 level.
Conversation Starter
I am a student on the b2 level. I learn english. Can you pretend to be a bakery assistant and I wont to buy bread. After 2 answers: Please give me feedback on my answers.
Further Resources
- Using AI to create H5P Content from
- Creating H5P content with AI from