
Master Research on Teaching and Learning
Academic degree Master of Education (M.Ed.)
Standard duration 4 semsters
Language of instruction English
Examination regulations APSO, FPSO(Info)
Chair person examination board

Prof. Dr. Anna Keune

2nd chair person: Prof. Doris Holzberger

Secretary examination board Lisa Wiesmaier
Study coordinator (course schedule) Lisa Wiesmaier
Study advisor- first contact person Lisa Wiesmaier
Study advisors Lisa Wiesmaier and Verena Euler
Examination officer Helen Wermuth
Student representative Annabel Wolf; Maria Salinas Loyer; Payton Schwarzer

Schedule WS 24/25 (last cohort)

Study Plan 24/25 (last cohort)

Study progress control triangular flag 

Students need to earn at least:

  • one of the examinations of the basic modules (ED0223, ED0232, ED0224, ED0225) by the end of the second semester
  • a minimum of 30 Credits by the end of the third semester
  • a minimum of 60 Credits by the end of the fourth semester
  • a minimum of 90 Credits by the end of the fifth semester
  • 120 Credits by the end of the sxith semester (graduation)

If students exceed those deadlines (except the last one), the module examinations not yet taken are deemed irreversibly failed unless justified by compelling reasons. (Only for the 6th semester is there a special regulation: if the 120 credits have not been earned by the end of the 6th semester, the examination modules (usually only the master’s thesis) are deemed taken and only not passed (instead of irreversibly failed). Then, the master’s thesis may be repeated only once in the 7th semester.)

In case (of the risk) of missed deadlines, please get in touch with the secretary of the examination board early enough. Further information about how to proceed can be found here.

Specific Information (Modules, Dates and Deadlines, Master's Thesis, Internships, Deregistration)