
Hand-out of Hardware

Hey there,

we need to give you the hardware for next weeks Hand-on-Hardware.

Can you come by TUM Main entrance this Thursday, 7th of May at 10:00 am?
We will give you a box with the Hardware at the main entrance and you will just have to quickly sign a form to confirm you received the hardware.
If that is not possible for you, please let us know, we will find another solution then.

Hey there,
as mentioned in the last lecture, we are going to work in groups on IoT projects in this course.
To form the groups, we need to know what projects you want to work on. Hence, please go through the projects listed here and let us know your three favourite projects. We will then form groups and try to meet everybodies project wishes, as good as possible. If you already know some people you want to work with, please let us know the group members and the three favourite topics of your group. If you have an idea for a own project, please wirte a brief proposal including requried hardware. A list of available hardware is available here: Hardware We have a small budget to buy more stuff, if it is requried for your project idea.

Please leave us a brief message on Slack with your topics and possibly group members by Sunday, 3rd of May.
If you have questions, contact us on Slack as well.

Waiting list

Hey all,
there have been some questions regarding fixed seats and the wailting list of this course. If you are on the waiting list, don't worry, you will be able to take part in the course!
Please select a project topic from here and let us know your three favourite projects, as described above. We will move you to a fixed seat in the upcoming two weeks.

Hey all,

the slides and video recording of the last lecture are available now here: Organization

Hello everybody,
the deadline for the preparation the wiki documentation will be the 31st of August 2019. On that day your edit rights will be removed from your group's page and we will begin to grade the pages.
Of course, you can keep the hardware until then and work on the project.

Dashboard Visualization for the FROST Server

Dear All,

Since most of the groups are able to insert observations in the FROST Server, we have set up a Dashboard application, which allows you to query and visualize sensor observations stored in the FROST Server. You can access (and modify) these dashboards for your groups.

More details: FROST Server#DashboardVisualizationfortheFROSTServer

Note: Group 3 and Group 6 - since your main task is the development of Dashboards/Moving Sensors, please carry on working with your respective APIs. However, you can check the above link to compare your graphs with this one.

Please feel free to contact me, in case of any questions. I will also be available in the lecture room on Monday.

Best regards,



Hello everybody,

please don't forget to take place in the evaluation of the course. You should have received an eMail with a link to do that.
Your feedback is very important to us, as it is the only way to learn what we can improve in the future. Thank you for taking the time to do that!

Examples for querying the FROST Server

Hello everyone,

the examples for querying the FROST Server are available on our Wiki now: FROST Server 

As we mentioned earlier, as soon as the sensor data from student groups are sent to the LORaWAN, an automated workbench will insert the observations to the running FROST Server. 

Currently, the running FROST Server contains one example sensor and its observations. The Wiki page will give you an idea on how you can perform the queries on the example sensor. Once the data from your group is sent to LoRaWAN, you will be able to perform the queries with your sensors in similar ways.

Please feel free to contact me, in case of any issues and queries related to the FROST Server.

Best regards,


Hey there,

the documentation pages for your projects are online now. Navigate to Projects 2019. One level below your topic you should find a page called groupXX - Documentation. Only the group members, the admins, and the HiWis can view the page. If you need help regarding the wiki system use the comment function at the page bottom and mention a Hiwi or staff member using the @ symbol or post your question on Slack using the #wiki-system channel.

Keep in mind that the documentation makes 70% of your final grade. I released an example documentation from last year here.

Intermediate presentation

Hello everybody,

next week the intermediate presentation is going to happen. Please check the Organization page for info on the content of we expect and how we grade the presentation.

Slides online

Hello everybody,

the sildes form yesterday's session on LoRaWAN are available now in the Organization section.


Hey there, we put together some quality literature on Arduino, Getting started with Arduino, the Internet of Things, and Sensors on the Literature page.

Hello everybody,

the projects for 2019 should now be accessible for you. Sorry for the inconvenience regarding the rights management.

Hello everybody,
the slides on the topics introduced last week are available now from the Organization page now.

Next week are going to hand out the topics. You can form groups of two people on your own. Please go through the slides and see what topics you like most. The detailed wiki pages for each topic will be available by the end of the week.

Hello everybody,

the slides shown in the second lecture by Prof. Kolbe are available now on the Organization page.