Doxygen Documentation Generator

Doxygen is a tool which allows to generate documentation from source code. It supports a wide range of languages, C, C++ and Fortran among them. Various output file formats like HTML, Latex and PDF are supported.

Availability and Usage

doxygen is available on the HPC systems at LRZ; please load the appropriate environment module before using the software:

module load doxygen

Then, the programs doxygen, doxytag and doxywizard can be executed. Typical usage for a new project involves the following steps:

  1. Generate a template configuration by running doxygen -g my_doxy_file.
  2. Edit the resulting template to fit your project. Typical entries to modify are:
    OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN (set to YES if your project is mainly Fortran)
    HAVE_DOT (set to YES)
    CALL_GRAPH (set to YES)
    CALLER_GRAPH (set to YES if you want)
  3. Generate the documentation by running doxygen my_doxy_file. Two directories html and latex are generated; the first contains an index.html which can be viewed with a browser, the second contains LaTeX files from which a PDF format reference manual can be created by issuing the command make pdf.

Latex on HPC systems broken

The Latex installation on the LRZ HPC systems is unfortunately incomplete. Therefore, you will need to move the latex directory to another system to actually generate the PDF from the Latex sources.


The Doxygen web page provides information about the most up-to-date release.