2019-04-12 Using Python at LRZ (HUPL1S19)

Date:Friday, April 12, 2019, 10:00-15:00
Location:LRZ Building, Garching/Munich, Boltzmannstr. 1, LRZ Hörsaal

As a general-purpose programming language with a growing user-base amongst data scientists, Python is increasingly used for data analysis and machine learning applications at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ).

In this half-day course several techniques and best practice examples will be demonstrated - empowering participants to use Python effectively on LRZ systems like the Linux Cluster and the upcoming LRZ cloud infrastructure.

Topics covered:
(subject to change)

  • Installation of Python packages and libraries

  • Jupyter Notebooks on the Linux Cluster and the Compute Cloud

  • Simple ML applications on the GPU Cloud and the DGX-1 using TensorFlow and Keras

  • Parallel Programming on the Linux Cluster

  • High quality scientific plotting

  • Batch Programming using Slurm and Python on the Linux Cluster


The course requires participants to have prior experience with GNU/Linux and SSH, as well as a certain familiarity with the LRZ infrastructure (if in doubt, please attend Introduction to the LRZ Supercomputing & Machine Learning Infrastructure). It is adressing participants who are already working with Python and who are looking for ways to scale their projects beyond the limits of standard laptops or desktop PCs.

All participants are expected to bring their own laptops.

Instructors:F. Jamitzky, S. Rössle-Blank (LRZ)
Registration:Via the LRZ registration form. Please choose course HUPL1S19.


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