• Structure of vsys, stores/phases, p2ps/manips, branches/f2fs
    → see general V-HAB Modeling Approach
  • Basic logic with matter.phase, branches and solvers - including execution order diagrams?
    → see diagram a while ago ... probably doesn't help a lot? Any suggestions on how to describe things like this to really help users?
  • Vsys - .exec() - control logic
    → do we even have an actual guideline / standard on how to do control logic?

Generally: Matter Phases and Solvers update themselves whenever required. The only time-dependent place where users should do control logic is in the "vsys.exec()" method. The third parameter to the "vsys" constructor is the time step requested with which the "exec" method is called. During the simulation, using "this.setTimeStep()", this can be changed.

Within, for example, flow2flow (f2f) processor classes, it is possible to e.g. define a method that adjusts an internal model property. To let the according solver know that the model did change, "this.oBranch.setOutdated()" needs to be called.

As each "vsys" references its matter flow branches (toBranches), and each stores (toStores), one can easily get from a vsys object to those objects. Stores in turn have their phases stored on "toPhases". Branches reference their f2f processors, stores their p2p processors etc. Which object references what other object types can be seen in the overall modeling approach section. To examine an object and see its attributes, use "disp(oObjVariable)". Mostly, attributes are self-describing, i.e. if you know the term "p2p" and the naming convention of V-HAB, the attribute "toProcsP2P" might make sense to you.

  • Keine Stichwörter