For signing a confirmation of stay the following rules at TUM apply:

  • Arrival: the day of the first academic activity (e.g. orientation weeks, language courses, information / welcome events)
  • Departure: the day of the last academic activity (e.g. end of course, examination, end of thesis); the signature can be done with your last day of academic activity or thereafter (not beforehand).
  • Your home university provides you with the correct form sheet. Please request it there. 
  • No pre-signing  of confirmations before the depature date (respectively no dates before the semester start)
  • Make sure to have the form sheet provided by your home university ready. TUM doesn't provide any form sheets for confirmation of stays.
  • The document has to be in English or German
  • see:

Family name / Surname*: 

First name(s)*:

TUM student number (Matrikelnummer)*:


signed form will be sent to this email - make sure that it is correct!

Your home university*:

Start typing to see the options...

search in list for your uni or enter free text

Country of your home university*:

Duration of stay at TUM*:

Academic Year at TUM*:

Form sheet*:

  1. Provided by your  home   university - please inquire there. TUM doesn't have any form sheet for incoming exchange students.
  2. Enter your personal data, like full name. home university and specific data
  3. Do NOT fill in the dates of your stay
  4. TUM Informatics will enter the dates of your stay, ERASMUS code (DMUNCHEN02) and data of the person signing your confirmation of stay, where applicable.
  5. If the form carries already a signature of arrival from the beginning of your stay, that is alright. Make sure that we (not you) can still fill in the departure date.

pdf or word - should still be editable

Depature date* (last academic activity at TUM, not last day in Munich):

see our rules for an acceptable date we can sign

Screenshot of your TUMonline exam list* (must include your name at the top right - see example)
jpg, png or pdf; click on picture to enlarge example for a proper screenshot (see points 1.-3.)


Optional: Arrival Date - if the form sheet requires such an entry - otherwise leave empty:

Your comment - if applicable/neccessary

 *required entries

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