Welcome to the wiki pages of the MathStat group

The pages of this wiki should contain important information for working and living in the MathStat group. Everyone is encouraged to add to existing pages or create new pages. Useful information for editing the wiki pages can be found in the help for the new wiki system. In case you add a new page for internal use, please restrict the access to the group TUS1DP1GV-0WIKISTAT.


We will use Teams for the Group Chat. You have to activate your Microsoft 365 account on your TUMonline vCard to be able to use TUM Teams.

In the Department Matrix is used. Please see the  Department Wiki for more information.

Mailing lists

You can reach the whole staff of the group through the mailing list staff@statistics.cit.tum.de. In case you wonder if you are already on that list. The answer is yes (Zwinkern)

To be notified of talks in the Statistics and Data Science Seminar and in our Graduate Student Seminar on Statistics, you must subscribe to the mailing list of the respective seminar:

Space contributors


  • Keine Stichwörter