Feature Manipulation Engine 2016.1

All data transformations and manipulations were performed using the software ‘Feature Manipulation Engine’ (FME 2016.1).

Software Information: https://www.safe.com/

All FME Workspaces generated within this project can be found here: https://github.com/tum-gis/3d-model-new-york-city

3DCity Database for CityGML Version 3.3

For the storage, management and integration of the large amounts of data generated the open source geodatabase 3DCityDB Version 3.3 was employed.

Project Website: https://www.gis.bgu.tum.de/projekte/3dcitydb/

Open Source Download and Documentation: http://www.3dcitydb.org/

3DCityDB-Web-Map-Client 1.3

The CityGML datasets generated were further processed. Using the 3DCityDB, KML-/COLLADA-files as well as corresponding spreadsheets were generated for each thematic class individually in order to integrate semantic and geometric information in terms of a tiled KML visualization model. This was achieved using the ‘3D-Web-Map-Client’

Software Information: http://www.3dcitydb.org/3dcitydb/d3dwebclient/

  • Keine Stichwörter