To hold onto what we have learned during the last session, and to get in touch with the communications utilities of the course we have a little homework for you.

Get an unknown sensor operational

You have received a Seeeduino LoRaWAN (with or without GPS), LCD display and a random sensor with it. You task is to check if the MC and the sensor can work together, if yes, attach the sensor to the MC and output some sensor observations on the Serial Monitor and/or Serial Plotter.

Use Slack to get support and interact

If you need any support please use the Slack channel of the course. Don't be shy, there are no bad/stupid/... questions. The content is new to all of you and we are prepared for that. The tutors and course staff are happily waiting to assist you. If you ask a question, make sure to include all information that is required to allow us helping you:

  • Accurate description of the hardware you are using. Include version numbers, microcontroller names, an so on, if helpful, provide an image your hardware setup.
  • What software you are using? Operating system, Arduino IDE version, drivers, ...
  • Source code: Provide the source code or a link to it and a copy of the error message you are receiving. Make sure to use the formatting tools of the Slack channel to increase the readability of your question or link to code on the wiki.

Task: Create a brief documentation of your work

The second step of your homework is to create a brief documentation of your homework on the wiki.

Create a wiki page for your documentation

Create a sub-page to the page Homework 2024 (this page) and name it fistname_lastname.

Documentation content

The documentation on this page should include the following:

  • Meaningful structure (use different levels of headlines)
  • A brief description of the hardware you used (bullet points)
    • Highlight compatibility issues (if found), like not matching operating voltages
    • Include links to official documentation you used
  • One image of your hardware setup
  • The complete and well formatted source code. Checkout the " + Button → other macros" in edit mode of your wiki page for code formatting utilities.
  • The unit of measure of all observations of your sensor
    • Check the datasheets and reference them (URL or Document)!!!
  • Some sensor observations, copied from the Serial Monitor
  • An image of some sensor readings plotted with the Serial Plotter
  • Anything other Wiki function you want to try out, check CTRL+SHIFT+A or the + Button)

Get help using the wiki system

If you have problems or questions regarding the wiki system please use the Slack channel #wiki-system to ask a question.

Create a new page

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