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Source code at: (Popcornmotte = Philipp Moersler, Tectato = Lukas Moersler, Nadel1 = Natalia Piotrowski)

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10 Kommentare

  1. Hongbo Chen sagt:

    What is your favourite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

            Dieselpunk/steampunk style is appealing and the gameplay is clear and interesting

    What is your least favourite aspect? Why?

            It may be difficult for a single player to climb ropes and fight against enemies at the same time

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

            It would be fun for two players to work together in this game. By removing the braking system, at least one player must keep the robot hand holding the rope while enemies come from all directions. If players don't cooperate well, the elevator will fall quickly

  2. Lukas Liu sagt:

    1) Simplicity: seems like a game that's easy to pick-up and is still interesting

    2) Depending on the implementation of the two arms and their controls, it might become clunky/annoying to swap between them

    3) I would actually consider making it a mobile game, that way you potentially have 2 thumbs controlling two arms or even more arms

  3. Matija Jajčinović sagt:

    What is your favourite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

           I like Coop games and the concept seems chaotic and fun, replayable despite the simple concept

    What is your least favourite aspect? Why?

           It is very 1 dimensional, you cant move really except your arms, so there will have to be some interesting environment changes to keep the game visually interesting.

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

           some kind of temporal perks to make it more entertaining: shields, powerups, combos multiplier

  4. Unbekannter Benutzer (ge56kib) sagt:

    What is your favourite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

           Space elevators? I'm in! Love this setting!

    What is your least favourite aspect? Why?

           Since you only have the arms of the elevator, I hope you're thinking about some nice interactions with them; otherwise, I'm afraid it can become boring pretty fast!
           Hope to read some more about your mechanics in your designdoc! ^^

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

           I'd love to see some Easter eggs flying in the background! :D

  5. Haorui Tan sagt:

    What is your favourite aspect of the proposed game? Why?
        As a science fiction fan, I really like the space elevator, a setting that often appears in movies and anime.

    What is your least favourite aspect? Why?
        The game might be a bit boring if you can only move one arm.

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?
        Adding an arm allows players to collect supplies while fighting.

  6. Ruben Pfeiffer sagt:

    What is your favourite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

    I really like the art direction and setting you are going for, steampunk space elevator with cool, janky tech sounds awesome! :)

    What is your least favourite aspect? Why?

    Having the robot arm(s) as the only player-controlled game mechanic could get a bit boring after a while, depending on the different things you will make the arm do, of course.

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

    Adding some additional mechanics for the player's non-mouse hand could be really fun. Maybe some additional gadgets attached to the elevator (rockets, magnets for collecting resources, ...) that can be activated with the keyboard and then have a cooldown.

  7. Mariia Iurtaeva sagt:


    What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

    Setting and the idea are very nice and easy to remember. The elevator form is also very unique and easy to distinguish, but very fitting in the steampunk setting

    What is your least favorite aspect? Why?

    Controlling one arm can be boring, so maybe consider controls that can use 2 arms at the same time

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

    Maybe it con help if you add timer for each/some quest to bring more challenge and/or special items, enemies with different effects (like freezing the player), etc.

  8. Pascal Neubert sagt:

    What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

            The game concept is simple, and yet on point. I'm excited to see how the animations will look. I can imagine a (local?) multiplayer to be a lot of fun.

    What is your least favorite aspect? Why?

           If 3D: The control with the mouse sounds like a difficult thing to get to feel right in my opinion. It sounds like it would make a great VR game though for some reason.

           If 2D: Switching between different modes sounds tedious. It depends on how this is implemented

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

           If 3D: I do feel like this would be awesome as a VR game control-wise and regarding fun.

           If 2D: I think it would be super funny if the end game looked like the concept sketch xD I think for the controls grabbing onto the "cable" should move you up (or down) automatically and switch the control to the other arm. That's the best way I can imagine the controls to work.

  9. Leonard Keil sagt:

    What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

       The artstyle being steam/dieselpunk and the overall idea if some kind of claw based characterized machine is something I love and hope you lean into heavily.

    What is your least favorite aspect? Why?

       The mouse based inputs seem cool, but I think some more creative inputs could fit really well. 

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

      With the whole climb mechanic, this honestly seems like such a good fit for a game for the „Playdate“ console with its crank. Probably too much of a change in vision, but it feels like a game that belongs. there.

  10. Arda Karaman sagt:

    What is your favourite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

    The space elevator in a steampunk setting looks really interesting and I am sure that the fighting mechanics will give just the right type of satisfaction in this game.

    What is your least favourite aspect? Why?

    The controls will definitely be the decision-maker for me in this game, It does seem it will take a bit time to understand how to control the player, which I feel like it shouldn't be the case in a roguelike game.

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

    Maybe putting in a co-op functionality for the game can make things interesting.