Project Structure Document
Milestone 1 - Game Proposal
Milestone 1 - Presentation Slides
Milestone 2 - Game Prototype
Milestone 2 - Presentation Slides
Milestone 3 - Alpha Release
Milestone 3 - Presentation Slides
Milestone 4 - Playtesting
Milestone 4 - Presentation Slides
Milestone 5 - Final Release and Conclusion
Demo Day - Slide
Demo Day - Poster
Source Code:
Compiled Version:
8 Kommentare
Kerstin Pfaffinger sagt:
06. Mai 2024Michl Bayer sagt:
07. Mai 2024Rebecca Ahmed sagt:
07. Mai 20241. I absolutely love the idea and the settig you are going for. Turn based rounds are also a great choice, as it takes away momentum and gives the player enough time to think and plan.
2. You have a lot of different components you have to communicate to the player (simulation, water-management, people, etc.) and most of them are not intuitive. Think about how you want to convey this information in a way that does not overwhelm or frustrate the player.
3. It might be good to provide the player with a tutorial or a small sandbox gamespace where they can explore and customize their experience to experiment with different parameters. Alternatively you might want to think about "withholding" some of the features for later levels/years.
Sebastian Geheeb sagt:
07. Mai 20241. I think the artsyle you are going for is definitely a really nice choise. It fits the setting and the genre that you want to go for.
2. My biggest concern would be the difficutly of implementing and balancing all the things you want to implement. Everything by itselve is fine, but combining all those different elements, especially with the PCG, will definitely be challenging.
3. A nice tutorial that introduces all the different mechanics one at a time is something that you could consider
Tobias Florian Heller sagt:
14. Mai 2024Unbekannter Benutzer (ge45dap) sagt:
14. Mai 20241) I like the idea of having some real world constraints being modelled enough for a balanced desert rebuilding turn based city builder-esque game.
2) I would personally be afraid of how hard it might be to implement and balance given the time we do have.
3) I also like the art style, it seems to be building its own personality.
4) Also I have some daubt about how good of an initiative it is to rebuild the forest from end to end. Does it not cut off the desert landscape in the middle? How would animals adapted to the desert move through the forest in the middle etc
Leon Stier sagt:
14. Mai 2024Karl Zakhary sagt:
14. Mai 2024Likes: