Firebreath Forest
Team Members
Johannes Madest
Mingyang Li
Bassant Elnaggar
Final Game Version
Milestone 1: Game Idea Pitch (08.05)
Milestone 2: Interim Demo (29.05)
Milestone 3: Alpha Release (19.06)
Milestone 4: Playtesting (03.07)
Milestone 5: Final Release (17.07)
5 Kommentare
Erick Lorenzen Meneses sagt:
10. Mai 2023Matija Jajčinović sagt:
10. Mai 20231. well done mini-games as proposed can make a diversified and fun gaming experience
2. a) Why exactly do you want to have multiple mini-games in one play session? It doesn't make much sense to me bc you won’t replay the same one, but then why not just start it from the main menu? b) more of a note: The database for players scores makes only sense if the gameplay is more or less deterministic and skill based to get a value from comparing scores
c) “conveying emotions associated with rollercoasters” is IMO no technical achievement, but part of the idea
3. a) Implement then some kind of path/stagges where have to choose between 2 or more minigames
b) “ “
c) more fitting would be to put your idea of reusing mini-game elements there or connecting the minigames with some visual effect , idk
Andrea Solanas de Vincente sagt:
10. Mai 2023Writing on behalf of Team Cicisoft:
It’s also nice that you chose a psychological approach to the roller coaster idea.
Lorenzo Russo da Costa Auer sagt:
10. Mai 2023Anıl Çelik Maral sagt:
10. Mai 2023