
  • Participants of the course are allocated individual research topics to work over the seminar course. Groups of two are possible.
  • A kickoff session will be conducted to introduce the course and topics.
  • Attendance is only mandatory on the proposal and final presentation dates.
  • Regular follow-up meetings with the participants and supervisor are held to aid the participants with the seminar tasks.

The seminar tries to mimic the event flow of a conference publication. Therefore, the deliverables are the following:

  • a scientific paper (submitted as the seminar report).
  • a conference-style final presentation.

More details on ECTS, learning outcomes, etc is offered at the kickoff session and later on moodle.

Topic Allocation

To apply for topics, the top 3 topics (please provide the acronyms) and the current transcript of records must be sent to Applications will only be accepted from 25.03.25. Information on deadlines can be found in the next section. Note that you can also apply for a topic as a group of two students!

Process and Time Line (Winter semester 2024/25)

Topics are chosen in two blocks. Students who want to be sure of getting a fixed place in the seminar before the start of the semester must apply by 09.04. (12 noon). These students will be informed on 14.04. if they get a place in the seminar and which topic they will be working on.

Students who want to apply later can do so until 24.04. (7pm) and will then be informed on 28.04. whether they could still get a place in the seminar.

The most important dates for the seminar are summarized below:

Registration period: tbd

First deadline for submitting the top 3 topic requests: 09.04., 12 noon.

Assignment of topics block 1: 14.04.

Kick-off (introduction to the seminar, presentation of the topics still available): 23.04., time and room tbd

2. deadline for submission of the top 3 topic requests: 24.04. (19 Uhr).

Assignment of topics block 2: 28.04.

Proposal Presentations: 14 & 21 Mai, time and room tbd

Final Presentations: 16. & 23. Juli, time and room tbd


AcronymTopic descriptionRequired skillsGroup work possible (group of two)ContactTime Topic Added


Distribution Grid Model Generation Methods

Research method: Prototyping

Research question:

  • How can realistic distribution grid models be synthesized?
  • How can synthesized distribution grid models be evaluated?

Possible approach

  • Understand state-of-the-art based on literature
  • Develop efficient Python or Julia code to implement distribution grid generation method
  • Evaluate method using actual data
  • Python/ Julia programming skills
  • Understanding of distribution grid modelling

Christoph Goebel



Probabilistic Solar PV Power Forecasting

Research method: Prototyping

Research question:

  • How can solar PV power output be forecasted probabilistically based on weather forecasts?
  • How can corresponding methods be implemented and benchmarked?

Possible approach

  • Understand state-of-the-art based on literature
  • Develop efficient Python or Julia code to implement probabilistic forecasting method
  • Evaluate method using actual data
  • Python/ Julia programming skills

Christoph Goebel



Economic Impact of Renewable Power Forecasting Error

Research method: Prototyping

Research question:

  • How can the economic impact of renewable power forecasting errors be assessed?
  • How much money can a wind power plant save by improving its forecast?

Possible approach

  • Understand state-of-the-art based on literature
  • Develop efficient Python or Julia code to implement assessment method
  • Evaluate method using actual data
  • Python/ Julia programming skills
  • Understanding of electricity markets

Christoph Goebel



Deep Learning for Energy Disaggregation

Research method: Prototyping

Research question:

  • How can Deep Learning be applied to Energy Disaggregation / NILM?
  • How does Deep Learning perform compared to other methods?

Possible approach

  • Understand state-of-the-art based on literature
  • Develop efficient Python code to train DL models on public NILM datasets
  • Evaluate performance by benchmarking with methods described in literature

  • Python programming skills

Christoph Goebel



Deep Reinforcement Learning for HVAC Control

Research method: Prototyping

Research question:

  • How can Deep Reinforcement Learning be applied to HVAC Control problems?
  • How does Deep Reinforcement Learning perform compared to other methods?

Possible approach

  • Understand state-of-the-art based on literature
  • Develop efficient Python code to train DRL models using HVAC model
  • Evaluate performance by benchmarking with methods described in literature

  • Python programming skills

Christoph Goebel



Techno-Economic Evaluation of Combined Energy Storage Technologies in Neighborhoods

Research method: Data Analysis & Modeling

Research question:

  • How can different types of energy storage be combined in a neighborhood setting?
  • How can different scenarios be compared technically and economically?

Possible approach:

  • Understand state-of-the-art based on literature
  • Develop models to understand technical limitations and economics of energy storage
  • Define scenarios and investigate potential of different types of energy storage and their combinations

  • Python programming skills
  • Background in energy system modelling

Christoph Goebel



Decentralized P2P Energy Trading Under Network Constraints

Research method: Prototyping

Research question:

  • How can peer to peer energy trading in distribution grids be realized while respecting physical constraints?
  • Which approaches exist?
  • How can these approaches be benchmarked using realistic distribution grid models?

Possible approach

  • Understand state-of-the-art based on literature
  • Develop efficient Python or Julia code implementing existing methods
  • Evaluate performance of methods using realistic models of distribution grids

  • Python/ Julia programming skills

Christoph Goebel



Computing Multi-Period Optimal Power Flow in Distribution Grids

Research method: Prototyping

Research question:

  • Which methods can be used to calculate multi-period optimal power flow in distribution grids?
  • How do these methods scale for different distribution grid sizes?

Possible approach

  • Understand state-of-the-art models based on literature
  • Formulate mathematical optimization problem
  • Develop efficient Python or Julia code using state-of-the-art methods to solve the problem
  • Evaluate solution method using realistic distribution grids with solar, load, and storage

  • Python/ Julia programming skills

Christoph Goebel



Benchmarking Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Distribution Grid Load Flow Calculation

Research method: Prototyping

Research question:

  • How can the method of physics-informed NNs be used to calculate load flows in power distribution systems?
  • How do these methods perform compared to standard numerical optimization methods?

Possible approach:

  • Understand state-of-the-art models based on literature
  • Develop efficient Python or Julia code implementing one of the methods
  • Compare PINN-based approach to numerical optimization based on quality and solving speed

  • Python/ Julia programming skills
  • First experience with deep learning

Christoph Goebel



Machine learning-based prediction of battery aging

Research method: Prototyping

Research question:

  • How to predict lithium-ion battery aging using ML models?
  • How performant are ML models compared to other methods?

Possible approach:

  • Understand state-of-the-art based on literature
  • Develop an efficient Python program that fits various ML models on battery aging data
  • Benchmarking of the developed models
  • Python/ Julia programming skills
  • First experience with deep learning

Christoph Goebel



R-C Models for Heat Transfer in Buildings

Research method: Prototyping

Research question:

  • How to design an easy-to-use Python library for fitting R-C-models of the heat transfer in buildings?
  • How to use fitted models to simulate buildings in control environments?

Possible approach

  • Understand state-of-the-art based on literature
  • Develop efficient Python code to fit R-C models
  • Evaluate implementation, e.g., by benchmarking results and evaluating computational complexity
  • Python/ Julia programming skills

Christoph Goebel



Using EnergyPlus to fit R-C Models

Research method: Prototyping

Research question

  • How can EnergyPlus models be approximated by R-C models?
  • How effective and efficient is the approach?   

Possible approach

  • Learn to work with EnergyPlus
  • Develop efficient Python code fit R-C models to output data
  • Benchmark method
  • Python/ Julia programming skills

Christoph Goebel



Benchmarking Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Distribution Grid State Estimation 

Research method: Prototyping

Research question

  • How can the method of physics-informed NNs be used to predict the state of power distribution systems?
  • How do these methods perform compared to standard numerical optimization methods?

Possible approach:

  • Understand state-of-the-art models based on literature
  • Develop efficient Python or Julia code implementing one of the methods
  • Compare PINN-based approach to numerical optimization based on quality and solving speed
  • Python/ Julia programming skills
  • First experience with deep learning

Christoph Goebel



Generating Weather Forecasts with Open-Source Tools

Research method: Prototyping

Historical weather forecasts, i.e., weather forecasts from past years, are required in many scientific projects but oftentimes not available for free. Recently published open-source weather forecast tools might be a good solution to generate such historical forecasts yourself.

Research question

  • How can we use open-source tools like Google's NeuralGCM or Microsoft's Aurora to generate historical weather forecasts?
  • How closely do these generated forecasts match real historical forecast data?

Possible approach:

  • Learn to use NeuralGCM and Aurora.
  • Generate forecasts for weather variables like temperature, wind speed, etc.
  • Evaluate the forecasts by comparing the forecasts to real historical forecast data.
  • Python programming skills (or high motivation to learn Python)

Annika Schneider



Evaluating the Energy Impact of Computation for Machine Learning

Research method: Literature Review / Prototyping

Research question:

  • How is energy estimation of computation done in research and how do the methods compare?

  • For ML applications, does faster training always mean more energy efficient, or are there other model or pipeline design considerations?
  • What are the popular libraries for measuring energy impact of computation for python and what do they provide?
  • (Stretch) Using one of these libraries, can we benchmark and compare the energy impact of one or more ML models in the EMT context (ex. solar or wind power prediction)? 

Possible approach:

  • Read and review papers on the environmental impacts of Machine Learning

  • Provide summaries of methods and develop guidelines on the types of ML model design, configurations, parameters, or algorithms that lead to lower energy consumption

  • Look for popular power estimation libraries from the literature and on GitHub
  • (Stretch) Use one of these libraries to benchmark state of the art ML techniques and document the results

Interest in Computational Energy

Interest in ML and computer architectures 

Basic Python skills

Ehimare Okoyomon



Comparison of the influence of different variable grid tariffs

Research method: Literature review

Research question:

  • What options are there for designing variable grid tariffs? 
  • What effects do the different variable grid tariffs have on grid utilization and profitability for end consumers?

Possible approach:

  • Identification of different variable grid tariffs
  • Identification of the advantages and disadvantages of the different grid tariffs
  • (Development of new options for variable grid tariffs)

Elgin Kollnig



Federated machine learning for household load forecasting

Research method: Prototyping

Research question:

  • Can we forecast household load without seeing a household's sensitive data?
  • Which forecasting models are suitable for a federated setting?

Possible approach:

  • Literature review on federated forecasting
  • Find & preprocess suitable datasets
  • Build federated forecasting pipeline
  • Compare results vs. non-federated forecasting methods
  • Programming skills in Python
  • Basic statistics/ML knowledge

Jan Marco Ruiz de Vargas



Fast computation of correlation measures with homomorphic encryption

Research method: modeling

Research question:

  • Can two parties owning a data vector compute a correlation measure together, without revealing their private data to each other?
  • Can we devise a (partial/ fully) homomorphic encryption scheme to calculate various correlation measures?
  • How fast can this scheme be?

Possible approach:

  • Understand homomorphic encryption
  • Understand correlation measures
  • Model communication & computation protocol


Jan Marco Ruiz de Vargas



SINDy (Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems)-based Battery Aging Model

Research method: Prototyping

Research question:

  • How to implement  SINDy to formulate battery aging problem?
  • How to design the  a feature library theta for SINDy model, and how different could the results be?
  • How does the SINDy model perform comparing to other battery aging model (e.g. NNs / other symbolic regression model etc..)?

Possible approach:

  • Literature review on SINDy and battery aging prediction
  • Implement SINDy model and train with existing dataset
  • Compare the results with the existing battery aging model.
  • Programming skills in Python
  • Basic ML and/or Battery aging knowledge

Sheng Yin


Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) for Power Split Control

Research method: Prototyping

Research question:

  • How can MARL solve power split control problem?
  • Can MARL out-perform centralized RL?

Possible approach:

  • Literature review on MARL and RL in power split control
  • Build RL and MARL environment for Power split Control
  • Implement Basic RL and MARL algorithm to compare the results
  • Programming skills in Python
  • Basic ML and/or RL knowledge

Sheng Yin

  • Keine Stichwörter