In both industrialized and developing countries, there is a high demand for policies, tools and instruments in order to cope with the increasing globalization, climate change and migration patterns, as well as with the cross-border nature of many land-related problems. This degree program aims to train responsible professionals who will have expertise beyond borders when managing the built environment, developing infrastructures and using natural and human resources, and develop creative and innovative solutions. 

Land Management and Geospatial Science (LMGS) are two inter-connected scientific domains. The connection is relevant to solve specific societal challenges, such as land and property registration, management of rights and restrictions in land, water and environment.

Land management aims to describe and analyze the relations between people and land (land tenure); and ensure that the land-and-people relationship are protected to give socioeconomic and environmental benefits (land tenure security). It also includes to design and measure the size of land and buildings and allocations of land  parcels, to design and evaluate the effectiveness of methods to avoid conflicts in access to land (land governance/policy), and to measure and reduce transaction costs for buyers and sellers of land and real estate (property valuation).

Geospatial science aims at describing, analyzing and understanding the relations between spatial objects and spatial phenomena. Geospatial Science is a branch of engineering that derives practical solutions based on a specific perspective and logic: it spatially measures and analyzes objects and subjects, and uses spatial information technologies to provide practical legal, social, and spatial solutions to problems with land ownership, land use, real estate and territorial boundaries.

More information about the program structure and application process here:

Program Director:

Univ. Prof. Dr. Ir. Walter de Vries

Coordinator Master's Programme:

M.Sc. Walter Dachaga 


Tel.: +49 (0) 89 289-25789

Fax: +49 (0) 89 289 23933

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