Please log in to TUMonline.
Click on the “Tuition Fees” application.
Screenshot: Application “Tuition Fees”
The page with your tuition fee details (your tuition fee account) opens. You can change the semester for which you want to view the tuition fee status.
Screenshot: Tuition fee status
Section | Description |
“Invoice” | The amounts to be paid (e.g. tuition fees, contribution for the Student Union) and the total amount. |
“Payments” | This shows the fees
“Money Transferal” | Here you find details necessary for bank transfer. |
“Applications” | Under Applications you find links to various applications. |
The information in my tuition fee account is incorrect – what can I do?
Please contact stating your first name, last name, matriculation number and provide a detailed description of the problem.
For information about fees, payment deadline, evidence and financial aid visit