In this manual we show you how to view all degree programs offered at TUM or at a specific academic department.

View offered degree programs

Please log in to TUMonline

Click on the application “Degree Programs”:

Screenshot: Application “Degree Programs”

You will see a list of all academic degrees offered at this organization:

Screenshot: Display of degree programs

Click on one of the academic degrees and then select a degree program in order to view its curriculum:

Screenshot: View curriculum

View curriculum and semester plan (general version)

The application “Degree Programs” shows the general version of the curriculum for a degree program, in contrast to the personalized curriculum version that enrolled students find in their Curriculum Support.

In this application, you can switch between the curriculum and the semester plan view.

In the curriculum and the semester plan you will often see two icons which you can use to display the dates of a certain number of courses.

Screenshot: Semester plan view

  • You can use the calendar icon in the header of subject-specific semester to display all courses which are recommended for this particular semester with all its group dates in a calendar view.
  • The clock icon allows you to initially make further settings and restrict the course selection in a list of recommended courses (for details see Displaying Semester plan and schedule). You then have different output options for the group dates of this course. In addition to the the calendar display (timetable view) you can export the dates or generate a PDF file for printing.

The fewer modules of a degree program are recommended for a subject-specific semester, the more modules are contained in the section “no semester recommended”. If this applies to more than 500 courses, the number of dates can no longer be displayed in a calendar view.

The modules without a recommended semester in the curriculum are frequently structured according to their content, e.g. when you can choose one from several specialized subjects in your degree program.

Screenshot: Specialized subjects in the curriculum

By expanding the tree further to a certain specialization, you can use the calendar and clock icons in order to view the dates of only one specific specialization.